13th International Biennial of Cartoon Humor Competition FRASTACK TONG 2020
Content Code: 1002119 Visits: 514 Published On: 19,Apr 2020 @ 03:33
Deadline :August 10, 2020

تبریز تونز

EX LIBRIS AD PERSONAM HLOHOVEC and Homeland Museum in Hlohovec


13th International Biennial of Cartoon Humor Competition FRASTACK TONG 2020





 a / LES

 b / Free theme.



the author must submit at least 2 works for each topic

the works must be originals

format free - recommended A4

give your name, age, profession, address, phone number and email on the back of the work

awarded works become the property of the organizer

other works may be returned at the request of the author

all submitted works can be used for promotional purposes of the competition

by sending the contest the author agrees with the contest conditions

correspondence with organizers of the contest should be handled in Slovak language, foreign participants require communication in English

send your work by August 10, 2020 to:


Zavalie 3 / A, P.O.BOX 58, 920 01 Hlohovec

mark the envelope with FRASTACK TONG 2020

The jury will decide on the winners at its meeting on 26 August 2020. The jury will be informed in writing of the jury's decision.



place - 250, - EUR

place - 150, - EUR

place - 100, - EUR

The jury has the right to decide whether or not to award any other prizes.


The announcement of the results and the opening of the competition works will take place on October 2, 2020 in the National Museum, Franciscan Square, Hlohovec.


Contacts: František Bojničan - 0905/352 506, info@elap-hlohovec.sk, www.elap-hlohovec.sk

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