News Code: 1001136 Published On: 04 November 2017 @ 04:17

International Cartoon Competition on the Topic of Media literacy, Kiev, Ukraine

Deadline : November 30, 2017

تبریز تونز

International Cartoon Competition on the Topic of Media literacy, Kiev, Ukraine


Conditions Of Carrying Out competition of cartoons on the topic of media literacy

General Provisions

All-Ukrainian contest of caricatures on the topic of media literacy among cartoonists is organized by the NGO "Detector of Media" with the financial support of the US Embassy in Ukraine.


Media literacy is knowledge that enables a person to analyze and critically evaluate information from various types of media. For example, your work can reveal problems:

standards of journalism;

dominance of jeans in Ukrainian media;

manipulation in the media and propaganda;


security in the Internet;

violations of journalistic ethics;

stereotyped coverage of various topics (for example, gender) in the media, etc.


AI. Goal for oncourse

With the help of an easy-to-grasp product, popularize the topic of media literacy in Ukraine, attract the attention of different age groups to socially important topics that directly depend on the level of media awareness, namely: manipulation of information in the media; false news, which is given out for certain; techniques to influence the audience through the media; distortion of reality through the media; propaganda; the dependence of media policy on their owners and the like.


IRS. Participants to oncourse

The contest is held among cartoonists and artists who draw cartoons. The age of the contestants in and contestants is from 18 years.


And V. The order of the competition

The competition is held in 5 stages:

Announcement of the competition - until October 13, 2017.

Acceptance of works - until November 30, 2017.

Evaluation of works - until January 25, 2017.

Awarding of winners at the solemn event in Kiev (February 2017, the date is being specified). Travel participants paid.

Exhibitions of the best cartoons will be held in several cities of Ukraine (cities are being specified) during February - April 2017.


V. Requirements for work

1.Only unique works are accepted for consideration and evaluation by jury members: those cartoons or a series of cartoons that previously did not participate in previous competitions, were not used for commercial purposes, did not receive fees for it, did not have other property rights.

2. Cartoons should be given to ethical standards. Incitement to violence, discrimination by sex, language, race, religion, nationality, regional or social origin or political preferences is not acceptable.

3. Plagiarism is unacceptable. In case of violation of rules or open plagiarism, the works will be withdrawn from the competition

4. The works should be drawn in A-3 format and sent by post (deadline on the stamp - no later than November 30, 2017) to


the NGO

"Detector of Media":

Kyiv, 04071, Yaroslavsky, 7/9, office.10.


Please indicate on the envelope -

"To participate in the cartoon competition".


5. If the work is done in digital format and observe the following parameters: JPEG (TIFF), A-3 (420x297), 300 dpi. Ready to attach a work (or specify a link to the file sharing service) and send it to the address konkurs.

In the subject line write your name and indicate that this is a work for the contest (Example: The Call for Proposals).

6.The genre of work is arbitrary. This can be a classic caricature (drawn by hand), made with digital means, collage and the like.

7. Each cartoon should be provided with the following information: the name of a cartoon or series of cartoons, abstract, name of the author or author.


VI. Work evaluation criteria

It is clear the disclosure of the topic.




VI I. Jury

The jury of this contest includes well-known Ukrainian caricaturists, journalists, infographists.


VI AND I. Prizes for the best works

1 place - 1 reward in the amount of 8 .000 UAH

2 place - 2 awards for 5,000 UAH.

3rd place - 2 awards for 3. 5 00.

IX. Right to use cartoons


Works are not returned. Sending caricatures to this contest, the participants agree to the possible use of the NGO "Detector of Media" for their work in non-commercial educational purposes.