News Code: 1001477 Published On: 29 July 2018 @ 12:40

S-CooMix International Cartoon Contest-2018- Italy

Deadline : 30 September 2018

تبریز تونز

S-CooMix  International Cartoon Contest-2018- Italy



1 - Theme

The municipality of San Giuliano Milanese in collaboration with S-Cool promotes the international S-CooMix competition! for humorous and satirical cartoons on the theme "School"

2 - Participation

The competition is open to all designers in the world and will be divided into two categories, OVER 18 cartoonists (adults) and UNDER 18 (minors).

3 - Techniques

You can send up to three unpublished works, made with any technique, in color or in black and white, that have not already been awarded in other competitions, in maximum A4 format (21x29.7 cm).

4 - Terms And Deadlines

The works must be received no later than midnight: 30 September 2018 (OVER 18 category) of 10 October 2018 (UNDER 18 category) - at the address


in .jpg format. tiff or .pdf at a resolution of 300 dpi, together with the participation form (different for adults and minors, in this last case it will be a parent to send us the form). NB: the individual files must not exceed the weight of 5 MB. For more works proceed with individual items - in original with manual delivery or by POSTER to the S-COOL store

(Via Colombo, 1 - 20098 - San Giuliano Milanese - MI - Italy)

together with the application form duly completed.


5 - Jury

President of Giorgio Giunta, satirical designer Marco Fusi satirical designer Nadia Maria Pizio and S-cool Municipal Administration Team


6 - Awards

1st OVER 18 Award (18+ years), recognition plate offered by S-cool In addition, the winner of the 1st prize in the category of the majority will be given the opportunity to exhibit other works, together with the winner of the "S- CooMix 2018 ", in a personal gallery adjacent to the exhibition hall that will host all the other works taking part in the Competition

1st UNDER 18 Award (0/17 years), recognition plate offered by S-cool

1st SCHOOL Prize presented by the local schools, the candidate and winner pupil and the accompanying teacher will be awarded. The school prize will consist of: - Voucher Purchase of the value of € 50 for school materials that can be spent at S-COOL in favor of the school to which the student belongs - Recognition plaque for the winning student 1st Prize "VOTE of the Public": for the work most voted by the public, offered by the Municipal Administration of the Municipality of San Giuliano Milanese. The Jury reserves the right to report further works, which will not receive prizes in cash or otherwise and to exclude from the competition notice any works deemed unsuitable for the proposed theme or not ethically correct. During the exhibitions of the work there will be the possibility for visitors to indicate their favorite work to compete for the assignment of the "1st prize voted by the public" for both categories (OVER 18 and UNDER 18) The authors, participating in the competition, give the non-exclusive right to publish the works on any support for promotional purposes without having anything to claim as copyright. The "S-CooMIX CATALOG" will be distributed to the participants on-line or on paper, with the collection of all the works in the OVER 18 category.


7 - Exhibition

The inauguration of the exhibition will take place on the occasion of the Feast of the Patron in Piazza della Vittoria on October 7, 2018. In the following days it will be possible to deliver (for the Under category only) new participations and vote for the favorite work (all Under and Over) c / o the Training Room of the S-COOL Commercial Area (located in Via Colombo 1 - 20098 - San Giuliano Milanese - MI - Italy) with free admission open to the public on Monday to Saturday from 7.30 am to 7.30 pm continued. From October 20 to 28 inclusive, the works will be exhibited at the Exhibition Hall of the City Hall in Piazza della Vittoria. AWARDING In the same area in charge of the exhibition, the final award ceremony will be held on 28 October with the coveted presence of all the participants.

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Participation Card

You can fill in this or attach it in the email with which you will send your work, we would also like a photo / caricature and a short resume with the cartoonist but if you do not want, no problem, but at least the address and the phone write to us, otherwise, then in case you win the prize?