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21st International Exhibition of Graphic Humor- Santa Clara- Cuba2022
Content Code: 1005822 Visits: 343 Published On: 02,Sep 2022 @ 12:37
Deadline : 1/11/2022

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21st International Exhibition of Graphic Humor- Santa Clara- Cuba2022

The humoristic monthly Melaito and the Cuban Association of Authors and Artists (UNEAC) in Villa


The themes for the salon will be “free”

The works must not exceed 25 x 35 cm in any technique including printed copies of digital images, the Organizing Committee will print digital images selected for the competition, received by email in jpg, with 300 dpi resolution.

Each participant can send a maximum of three works for each theme.

Entries should be posted no later than 1/11/2022 to the following address:

XIX Salón Internacional de Humor Santa Clara 2019

Casa de la Uneac:

Máximo Gómez no. 107

entre Julio Jover y Martí,

Santa Clara, Villa Clara,


And electronical address:


First prize: 2,000.00 MN and diploma.

Second prize: 1,300.00 MN and diploma.

Third prize: 800.00 MN and diploma.


The foreign creators who are awarded will receive a work of art by a renowned Cuban artist and an accrediting diploma.

The opening of the exhibition and award ceremony will take place on December 20 at 10:00 a.m. m. at the headquarters of the Uneac Provincial Committee in Villa Clara and the results will be immediately disclosed by the media and social networks.

To specify details about this call, you can call 42202661 or 42207080 (extensions 110 and 114) or write to the following electronic addresses of the Organizing Committee:,,

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