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19th edition of the Trento Economics Festival- Italy 2024
Content Code: 1008161 Visits: 194 Published On: 27,Mar 2024 @ 12:42
Deadline: May 5, 2024

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19th edition of the Trento Economics Festival- Italy 2024

Studio d’Arte Andromeda was invited to participate the XIX edition of Festival dell’Economia, in Trento, May 23-26 2024.


Even this year, Studio d’Arte Andromeda will create a satiric humor space where visitors will have a different perspective on this theme, discussed by international characters coming from areas such as economy, politics, press.... etc. There will be a constant presence of real life humorist, cartoonist and illustrators, and we will set up the exhibit "Smile from the world” of cartoons and humor illustrations in Palazzo Trentini.

Visitors will be invited to vote for the best cartoons and humorous illustrations among the exposed works.

The exhibition will be visible online on the Studio d’Arte Andromeda website





How can the climate change challenge be faced? Will economic development win the battle against the tightening necessary to beat inflation? Will high public debt eventually destabilise the authority of nations? Is energy transition achievable on the tight timescale dictated by the West? Will the demographic winter end up overwhelming welfare systems? Can populism be reconciled with democracies? The are just some of the major questions of our time that the Festival dell’Economia of Trento will try to deal with, with some of the most brilliant minds from the economic, academic and political world at national and international level.


The theme chosen for this nineteenth edition of the Festival dell'Economia of Trento, organized by the 24 ORE Group and Trentino Marketing on behalf of the Autonomous Province of Trento, with the collaboration of the Municipality and the University of Trento, is part of a commitment aimed to analyze the challenges dictated by an uncertain and complex global scenario, proposing solutions and interpretations. In 2022, in fact, the theme "After the pandemic, between order and disorder" aimed to delve into the profound social, economic and political effects produced by the spread of Covid19, while the 2023 edition entitled "The future of the future. The challenges of a new world” has undertaken to outline the impact that the great technological and socio-economic transformations underway will have on humanity.



May 5, 2024


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Each participant may submit no more than 3 works.

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