Winners in the Annual Cartoon Contest- Olen 2024-Belgium
Maim theme: Road Signs
They have received 1.823 entries, sent by 495 different participants from all over the world. The participants are from 70 different countries.
In the downloads you will find the cartoonists who took part in the competition in 2024.
Winners category adults:
1st Prize: Ali Paknahad (Iran)
2nd Prize: Gabriele Corvi (Italy)
3rd Prize: Jona Jamart (Belgium)
4th Prize: Peter Radacina (Canada)
Prize of the city of Bialogard: Pawel Kuczynski (Poland)
Special Prize Amnesty International: Ali Miraee (Iran).
Winners category youth:
Best international work: Fatih Dursun (Turkey) (Top)
Best Belgian work): Griet Stijnen (Belgium).
You can view the winning cartoons on their facebook page and watch their Youtube video for a nice overview of all winners and the cartoons that were selected for the exhibition and catalog.