6th Humor Salon Pindamonhangaba- Brazil 2024
1- Objective:
This project was created with the aim of honoring national and international artists in graphic humor.
1.22.2024 to 03.31.2024
Physical Exhibition:
5/04/2024 to 6/02/2024
– Caricature: Theme: TÉO PIMENTA
• Works must be presented vertically, in A3 format (29.7 x 42cm).
• Works must be presented vertically, in A3 format (29.7 x 42cm).
2- Professionals and amateurs can register by sending 1 (one) work in the modality, to the address https://bit.ly/3SrZc8J in 300 dpi resolution or using the QR Code on the side.
• The file must be renamed as follows: country_name_modality.jpg.
• Ex: MariaSilva_Brazil_caricature.jpg or MariaSilva_Brazil_charge.jpg.
3- Deadline: 31.3.2024
4- Announcement of those selected: 4/22/2024.
• 100 works will be selected for the physical exhibition, which will be located at the D Pedro I and D Leopoldina Historical and Pedagogical Museum (R. Mal. Deodoro da Fonseca, 260 – Jardim Boa Vista, Pindamonhangaba – SP).
• All selected participants will receive a Certificate of Participation.
5- Simply registering obliges the artist to accept these regulations. The artists selected by the judging panel automatically transfer the image rights of their work for reproductions and publications on any medium, with the aim of publicizing the event.
6- Awards:
The three best works evaluated by the judging committee in each category will receive trophies and a trophy for the best work by the international artist.
7- This year’s honoree:
PROF. TEÓFILO PIMENTA, or simply TÉO PIMENTA, has a degree in Physical Education (2004), Specialist in Education (2008) and Master in Human Development (2013), both from the University of Taubaté (UNITAU). And this year, 2024, he will celebrate 20 years in the profession. He worked in informal education between 2005 and 2011 in the AMETRA Program by the Social Action department of Taubaté City Hall, working with the training of children and young people through sports. In 2012 he coordinated the GAMT sports development project in Caçapava. Between 2013 and 2018 he was a physical education teacher at the Taubaté Municipal Education Network, working in elementary schools. From 2014 to 2021 he was a university professor at the Group Cruzeiro do Sul, one of the largest educational groups in the country, teaching the physical education course at the Centro Universitário do Módulo, based in Caraguatatuba and at the Faculdade de São Sebastião (FASS). Between 2018 and 2021 he taught the physical education course at the Taubaté campus of Faculdade Anhanguera, part of the Kroton group. He founded the Instituto Esporte Vale (IEVALE) in 2018, in which he directed its actions, proposals and initiatives, especially those aimed at contributing to the training of physical education professionals, promoting research, developing materials that fostered RMVale’s sporting memory and encouraging sports practices in the region.
With this came the JOÃO DO PULO NAS ESCOLAS PROJECT, which has been promoting the sporting and humanitarian legacy of the Pindense Olympic athlete in schools in Pindamonhangaba and the region. He is currently a high school teacher at Senac/Pindamonhangaba since 2022 and is currently pursuing a doctorate in Education at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP). In 2023, he received the João do Pulo Trophy, an award intended for professionals who develop relevant work related to the memory of the Pindamonhangaba Olympic athlete João do Pulo.
Municipal Secretariat of Culture and Tourism
Municipal Department of Sport and Leisure
Pindamonhangaba City Hall